Dérives en péninsule and Que je naisse, tout doux, semant

23.05.23 — 22.07.23

Selebe Yoon

Dakar, Sénégal

14°0’N / -14°0’W


An invitation to the Senegalese gallery and artist’s residency Selebe Yoon, presenting a twofold programme spread over the two floors of L’Atlas: a solo exhibition by Senegalese artist Arébénor Basséne entitled Que je naisse, tout doux, semant and the group show Dérives en péninsule, which brings together the work of four artists whose works bear witness to displacements induced by various political, social and urban conditions: Younes Baba-Ali (b. 1986, Morocco), Mbaye Diop (b. 1981, Senegal), Hamedine Kane (b. 1983, Mauritania) and Naomi Lulendo (b.1994, France).


Situated in Dakar city center, Selebe Yoon is a residency and gallery that supports local and international artists and thinkers. In Wolof, “selebe yoon” means the crossroad, the place where different paths intersect. As a site of convergence for interdisciplinary research and practices, Selebe Yoon is supportive of artists’ creative process, artistic experimentations and encourages dialogues amongst artists and cultural actors.


  1. Arébénor Basséne
  2. Younes Baba-Ali
  3. Mbaye Diop
  4. Hamedine Kane
  5. Naomi Lulendo


Screening and Q&A with Hamedine Kane

Selebe Yoon

  1. Croisement Rue Parchappe & Rue Salva, Dakar, Sénégal
  2. +221 78 103 34 85
  3. www.fr.selebe-yoon.com
  1. Press release (in French)